29 September 2024
In collaboration with Springboard and KAWI Animation, BASE Entertainment proudly presents its latest project, the animated film Garuda di Dadaku, set to premiere exclusively at IDEAFEST 2024 at JCC Senayan, Jakarta.
The legendary story of Garuda di Dadaku, created by Shanty Harmayn and Salman Aristo, first captivated Indonesian audiences as a live-action film. The first Garuda di Dadaku movie, directed by Ifa Isfansyah, debuted in 2009, followed by a sequel in 2011, directed by Rudi Soedjarwo. The IP was later adapted into a TV series in 2014 and 2015, directed by Angga Dwimas Sasongko and Ifa Isfansyah. It’s coming to life again – this time, as an animated film.
For this ambitious project, BASE Entertainment is collaborating with KAWI Animation, Springboard, and AHHA Korpora, founded by Atta Halilintar. With a shared vision and passion, this animated adaptation will deliver a powerful message about perseverance, hard work, and friendship, wrapped in dynamic, visually rich animation.
“The Garuda di Dadaku films have touched the hearts of Indonesians and become part of our pop culture. With this animated version, we aim to carry forward the core values of determination, hard work, and brotherhood. We also hope to bring the spirit of Indonesian animation to the global stage,” said Shanty Harmayn, producer and co-founder of BASE Entertainment.
The animated film will be produced by KAWI Animation, BASE Entertainment’s animation subsidiary, with Ronny Gani at the helm as director. Ronny Gani, co-founder and CEO of KAWI Animation, is one of Indonesia’s most iconic animators, having worked on major Hollywood projects like The Avengers and The Mandalorian. This film marks the debut of KAWI Animation.
“Animation in Indonesia is evolving rapidly. I believe now is the time for Indonesian animators to step up and create work that truly matches global standards. The Garuda di Dadaku project is our chance to produce something that will resonate with film lovers, animation enthusiasts, and football-loving families in Indonesia,” shared Ronny Gani.
Positive Energy for Indonesian Football and Animation
This project is also a co-production with Springboard, whose CEO David Wayne Ika is confident that this animated film will inject positive energy into football development in Indonesia. “I believe this film will have a meaningful impact on football as a national sport. Beyond that, the film’s inspiring story aims to ignite a sense of pride and passion for supporting our national team. This project aligns perfectly with Springboard’s mission to elevate Indonesian music, film, and sports more excitingly and entertainingly,” said David.
Atta Halilintar, a football enthusiast and well-known influencer, expressed his enthusiasm for being part of the project. “My family and I have always loved football. That’s why I started my futsal club. I take football seriously. I truly believe this animated film can be a great way to introduce and nurture a passion for the sport,” said Atta enthusiastically.
Garuda di Dadaku: An Inspiring Story Brought to Life in Animation
The animated version of Garuda di Dadaku will carry the same spirit as its previous projects. It tells the journey of an Indonesian teenager with a deep love for football and dreams of becoming a professional player. Unlike the live-action versions, the animated film will introduce fantasy elements, making the protagonist’s adventure even more exciting and larger-than-life. The film is slated for release in 2026.
With this collaboration, BASE Entertainment, KAWI Animation, Springboard, and AHHA Korpora are confident that Garuda di Dadaku Animation will be a milestone in Indonesia’s animation history. The film is expected to elevate the spirit of Indonesian football and animation on the global stage, inspiring the next generation to chase their dreams.