Seriously Coffee.

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  • Branding

March 2023

Caffino is a premium 3in1 coffee that uses real coffee and milk. It pledges its quality ingredient to be accessible to a wider audience. Caffino’s product pursues coffee cafe standards that are made by the hand of Barista. That’s why Caffino named it Baristan (Barista Kopi Instan) for everybody who consumes, enjoys, and can appreciate the quality of Caffino’s product.

Caffino is the first instant coffee in Indonesia that uses real coffee and real milk. At each sip of Caffino coffee, you can immediately feel the quality ingredients used and are easily recognizable from thick foam lattes because of using real milk.

Caffino’s commitment to quality ingredients and accessibility has made it a popular choice for coffee lovers who want to enjoy premium coffee without having to go to a cafe. With its unique blend of real coffee and milk, Caffino has become a staple in many households across Indonesia.

Caffino’s mission is to make quality coffee accessible to everyone. They believe that everyone deserves to enjoy a good cup of coffee without having to pay exorbitant prices or go out of their way to find it. That’s why they use only the best ingredients in their products and strive to make them available to as many people as possible.

Whether you’re a coffee connoisseur or just someone who enjoys a good cup of joe, Caffino has something for you. Their commitment to quality and accessibility has made them one of the most popular brands of instant coffee in Indonesia, and it’s easy to see why.

“Brewing an Authentic Story.”

As Caffino uses quality ingredients, we set a launching standard by using the most prominent figure of the last five years as our brand ambassador, Iqbaal Ramadhan. We created buzz at our brand launch by using a fake quote from Iqbaal on OOH, which was later confirmed by the real Iqbaal. The stunt conveyed the product story/message “Real Coffee & Milk” and was escalated on our digital assets and received exposure through various channels.

Delizio Caffino
Record Breaking
1 million cups served

Building on the momentum from the initial campaign, Caffino continued to make waves with a head-turning exhibition at the Jakarta Fair Kemayoran. The brand broke a record by giving out one million cups of coffee, creating a buzz that helped to establish Caffino as a new major player in the coffee market.

Delizio Caffino
Authentic & Strong
A spectrum of flavors

Caffino’s success demonstrates the importance of quality ingredients and innovative marketing strategies in a crowded and competitive market. By focusing on what makes their coffee unique and exciting, Caffino was able to capture the attention of customers and establish itself as a major player in the industry. With a commitment to quality and innovation, Caffino is poised for continued success in the years to come.

Delizio Caffino
Delizio Caffino
Big Feast
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Big Feast

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Scooter Prix

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Head In The Clouds
